French and English Laces / French and English Lace

Whether you sew for yourself or a loved one, you will definitely find what you are looking for here at We have a huge inventory of French and English laces from the top manufacturers and even some of the lesser known ones. Our French and English lace line is made to enhance any article you are sewing whether it be a blanket or maybe even a blouse.


Heirloom sewing wouldn't be complete without French and English laces and Swiss Embroideries. Delicate Stitches by Sylvia carries a wide variety of French lace insertions and edgings. Also stocked are some English netting laces, edgings and insertions. Swiss Entreduex, Swiss insertions and Swiss edgings make up a large part of the Lace inventory here at Delicate Stitches by Sylvia. You will also find a lovely selection of cotton tatting lace or cotton Cluney laces. We also handle a small amount of colored lace tape.

Categories | Laces
English Laces English Netting Lace French Lace
English Laces
English Netting Lace
French Lace
Lace Beading Lace Tape Maline Laces
Lace Beading
Lace Tape
Maline Laces
One of a Kind & Vintage Swiss & Cotton Embroideries/Entredeux Tatting/Cluny
One of a Kind & Vintage
Swiss & Cotton Embroideries/Entredeux

If you are into heirloom sewing, we have many heirloom sewing supplies from which you may choose!